Notice of the status change of the Sava non-life insurance

Assembly “SAVA NON-LIVING SECURITY” a.d.o. At its XXVII extraordinary session, Belgrade passed the Decision on the status change of the Company, according to which on December 31, the status change was carried out, by which the company Energoprojekt Garant a.d.o. merger “Sava non-life insurance” a.d.o. White City.

With this day Energoprojekt Garant a.d.o. it ceases to exist, which is recorded by its deletion from the register of business entities. On the same day, “Sava non-life insurance” a.d.o. Belgrade, as a legal successor, took over the entire portholio company Energoprojekt Garant dd, all rights and obligations that Energoprojekt Garant a.d.o. on this basis, all other rights and obligations, as well as the total assets, liabilities and capital of the company Energoprojekt Garant a.d.o.

In accordance with the aforementioned, all obligations towards clients that until 31.12.2018. had Energoprojekt Garant a.d.o. takes over “Sava non-life insurance” a.d.o. as a successor company, which will continue to execute all insurance obligations under the contracts concluded with Energoprojekt Garant a.d.o.
The existing customers of Energoprojekt Garanta a.d.o. are timely and thoroughly familiar with the stated status changes, as well as the possibilities of realizing their claims, rights and obligations.

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