Now possible purchase of business premises through leasing

In accordance with the trend of growth and development of financial leasing sector, now is available purchase of commercial units and business premises through leasing. An increasing number of entrepreneurs is showing interest in this kind of financing, due to the shorter and simpler procedure and smaller initial investments.

What are the advantages of financial leasing?

Shopping through financial leasing allows the easy and flexible way to come into the possession of commercial or business premises. The procedure of approval of leasing is usually shorter than the traditional forms of financing. The advantages are favorable interest rates and longer repayment periods, and that, after a period of repayment, the user becomes the owner of the premises. All this contributes to the growing use of leasing and its use to start or develop an existing business.

In line with this trend and development of the real estate market, many investors opt to provide to customers purchase of space through leasing and, thus, provide support to various business projects. One of them is “Deka Inženjering“, which provides purchase of commercial and business units through a loan or leasing in its complex A Blok in New Belgrade.

“We wanted to meet clients’ needs to start or expand their businesses in A Blok, but do not have enough start-up capital for the payment of the premises at a moment. This type of funding is suitable due to the possibility that with a smaller initial investment, they can operate business activities, and after the repayment period, of only 10 years, will be owners of the premises. In leasing, there is no mortgage, which is why approval procedures are much simpler. VAT is calculated in a way that excludes taxes, and financing of real estate by leasing is a tax neutral for the user. Shopping Zone in A Blok is consisted of 59 commercial units, 40 of them for a year now operate successfully, and the remaining 19 are under construction, and their moving in is planned for September 2017“, pointed out in Deka Inženjering.

The growth trend in the financial leasing sector is confirmed by the data of the Association of Leasing Companies in Serbia, which shows that the value of newly concluded contracts of financial leasing last year was 337 million euros, which is 40 million more than in the same period of 2015. Due to the announced investments, and the benefits that leasing provides customers, the growth trend of financial leasing sector will be continued in the current year, and with greater economic activity, growth is expected when it comes to buying commercial or business premises.

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