OIS-AIR Manifesto singed in Zagreb

Representatives of six countries, partners of the project OISAIR- Establishment the Open Innovation System of the Adriatic Ionian Region, signed on March 1st in Zagreb the OIS-AIR Manifesto that formally declares intents towards the creation of a permanent transnational collaborative Network aimed to foster cooperation in the field of innovation and to boost economic growth and competitiveness in the Adriatic Ionian Region.

The OISAIR Network primary objective is to establish and develop a competitive and attractive trans-regional innovation system by connecting relevant partners and enabling transnational flows of knowledge, innovators and shared use of facilities and technologies. It will provide innovation services to SMEs and support the transnational collaboration between research sectors and SMEs by offering dedicated funding schemes in order to support their innovation projects.

The OIS-AIR Manifesto at the Innovators Interregional Forum in Zagreb was signed by: Science Park AREA Trieste, Italy, Technology Park Ljubljana, Slovenia, Croatian Chamber of Economy, Science Technology Park Belgrade, Serbia, Center for Research and Technology Hellas, from Greece, Basilicata University, Italy and Ministry of Finance of Albania.

The document is conceived as a preparatory declaration in view of the signature of the OISAIR Framework Collaboration Agreement that will formalize the establishment of the Network, and which will be signed by the associate partners, too. Moreover, the Network will be open to other potential members, active actors in the fields of research and technology such as: innovation agencies, technology parks, public and private research institutions, universities, business support organization, incubators and accelerators, and similar.
During the Innovators Interregional Forum in Zagreb there was also presented the Pilot Trans-regional Smart Specialization Strategy of the Adriatic-Ionian Region (S3), that should provide an insight on the transnational value chains and competitive economic sectors of the Adriatic-Ionian Region.

Project OISAIR- Establishment of the Open Innovation System of the Adriatic-Ionian Region, financed by Interreg Adrion EU programme, was launched in the beginning of 2018. OIS-AIR intends to strengthen the development of industrial and entrepreneurial activities within a virtuous circle involving relevant stakeholders from different sectors in Adriatic-Ionian Region, from research institutions to SMEs and public administration. The project goal is to establish a single marketplace for technology and innovation, competitive and attractive at macro-regional level.

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