On the road to reform: American Chamber of Commerce launches HResurs program for professional development of public officials

The American Chamber of Commerce in Serbia (AmCham), in cooperation with the office of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Serbia today presented the HResurs (HResource) program, which will be implemented by the National Academy for Public Administration, with the aim to develop the field of human resources in the public and private sectors.

“The HResurs program focuses primarily on professional development and an exchange of experiences between the public and the corporate sector. Through communication of these two sides, we will inspire numerous changes in the approach to handling human resources in public administration, with the aid of the expertise of our HR Forum, the program will provide added value to all participants from public administration,” said Jelena Pavlović, president of AmCham, during the opening keynote, underscoring that the Chamber will once again prove with this program that it is ready to offer the experience and expertise of its members to the government. The President of AmCham thanked the office of the Prime Minister of Serbia, as well as the National Academy for Public Administration, which will be the sponsor of the HResurs program.

The presentation of the program held at the Palace of Serbia was also attended by Branko Ružić, Minister of Public Administration and Local Self-Government, who stated on this occasion that it was his great pleasure to support the HResurs program, because it provides “a higher level of quality” to the administration, and helps public officials develop professionally.

“During the next three months, the participants will acquire a new perspective – a new dimension of managing human resources, since they will be working directly with their colleagues from the private sector. On the other hand, the program will contribute to connecting public officials, and this is important because policymaking is never an isolated process, but a synthesis of the common efforts of various bodies at all levels of government,” said Branko Ružić, Minister of Public Administration and Local Self-Government.

“The cooperation with the American Chamber of Commerce will bring us the latest private sector HR management practices, from successful international, and also domestic companies. In this manner, we will have an exchange of experiences between the state and the corporate sector, and we will facilitate professional development of public officials. I believe that, with positive examples and joint efforts, we can inspire changes in the approach to managing human resources in public administration, so that all officials could understand the basic purpose of the administration – offering more efficient public services to the citizens and the corporate sector,” said Dražen Maravić, acting director of the National Academy for Public Administration.

“This project and similar projects of cooperation between the private and public sectors are crucial for creating synergy and a relationship of trust, which needs to be built in order for the state to become a better service to individuals and businesses. I think that this mutual exchange is an indicator of the responsibility and readiness of both sides to improve the quality of life for all of us,” said Ivona Simić, advisor to the Prime Minister of Serbia.

HResurs will gather 28 participants from the private and public sector. They will be split into mentor pairs, and through various activities, they will have the opportunity to develop their expertise in the field of human resources over the next three months. The program will include various activities, workshops and work on joint projects.


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