Oscar of Quality for NIS: Vadim Smirnov receives the award on the company’s behalf

NIS has accomplished an exceptional result at the business excellence competition called 2021 Oscar of Quality by winning the fifth level of excellence and the Champion of Excellence 2021 Award. The Oscar of Quality Award is given by the Foundation for the Culture of Quality and Excellence, in cooperation with the Serbian Chamber of Commerce and under the auspices of the Ministry of Economy. 
Vadim Smirnov, Deputy Director General and Director of the Function for Government Relations and Corporate communications, received the award on the company’s behalf

NIS is the first company to win the title of absolute champion twice in the history of this competition, and now the title of champion of excellence.  Vadim Smirnov, Deputy Director General and Director of the Function for Government Relations and Corporate communications, received the award on the company’s behalf.

“I am proud of my colleagues, of the company’s management, who have been dealing with risks for years and solving problems with an efficient approach. They drew attention to the fact that our greatest wealth is people, and that we must strive to preserve every job. Today, we have one of the best oil refineries in the region, in fact not one of the best, but the best, which can be compared to any refinery in Russia, and we are extremely proud of that. NIS looks to the future with optimism. We are a big company and we are aware of our responsibilities. As of next year, our focus will be on environmental protection and green transition, and we plan to remain leaders in that regard,“ said Vadim Smirnov.

Vadim Smirnov, Deputy Director General and Director of the Function for Government Relations and Corporate communications

NIS’ success is all the greater, as Goran Stojilković, NIS Deputy General Manager for Petrochemical Affairs, received a special award Leader of Business Excellence for 2021 at the same time.

“First and foremost, this recognition is a validation of organizational skills and quality of corporate values ​​that our company adheres to, especially in this challenging period in which we found ourselves. Furthermore, being a leader in a company the size of NIS means motivating people to, in addition to standard business tasks, also choose personal challenges, to find energy in them, as well as to achieve results. In order to accomplish all of the above, we must be very clear in setting up and integrating a quality system in everyday business activities, “ said Goran Stojilković

Goran Stojilković, NIS Deputy General Manager for Petrochemical Affairs, received a special award Leader of Business Excellence for 2021

Additional information

The National Award “Oscar of Quality” is awarded to for-profit and non-profit organizations, as an independent award for top results achieved in the improvement and development of organizational and business excellence. The award is given in three categories: real sector, public sector and organizations outside the territory of the Republic of Serbia. The award is given by a jury composed of representatives of state, scientific and professional institutions, based on the evaluations of evaluation teams selected from the list of registered evaluators for business excellence. When selecting the winners, the expert jury evaluates the results of the organization in as many as nine areas: leadership, strategy, human resources, partnership and resources, processes, products and services, user results, human resource results, community results and business results. Two years ago, new award categories were introduced: Champion of Excellence, for an organization that won the fifth level of excellence, and Business Excellence Leader, for a top executive in that organization, who meets the Leadership and Strategy criteria.

Winners of the “Oscar of Quality”

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