Ostoja Mijailović, General Manager of British Motors: We are continuing with all processes within the company

We fulfil our basic business imperative, which is always to provide quality and professional service to the client

Everywhere in the world, including Serbia, the process of transforming traditional ways of communication and shifting to the online has begun a long time ago, which means adjusting and changing the way employees work in many workplaces. These health circumstances will only accelerate the process” said Mr. Mijailović

How did you organize business activities and communication with your business partners and clients?

In a situation where the whole world is caught by the power of an invisible rival, the most important thing for us is to save the health of all of us – employees, clients and all partners we cooperate with. We have implemented all the necessary prevention and protection measures, we have reorganized very quickly and actually from the first day of the state of emergency we have a different organization of work that, besides health care, still has a client and an efficient response to all his needs in the forefront.

All processes within the company continue to be at full capacity and – although the circumstances are like this – we fulfil our basic business imperative which is to always provide quality and professional service to the client. Direct communication is kept to a minimum while all internal and external meetings are conducted online. Everywhere in the world, including Serbia, the process of transforming traditional ways of communication and shifting to the online has begun a long time ago, which means adjusting and changing the way employees work in many workplaces. These health circumstances will only accelerate the process.

How important is it for companies to stand in solidarity and help in these extraordinary circumstances?

Solidarity is something that is also very important in ordinary circumstances, and now that need is even more pronounced. As a person who has been in sports and business for many years, I can say I love sports and market games, but this is not a moment for any type of competition and now we all have to compete against the same opponent. In recent days, we have witnessed an awakened spirit of community between people and companies, and this is something that we must nurture in the future, to learn something useful from this whole situation.

At this time companies should be in solidarity with their employees as well, do their best not to dismiss them and, with the help of the state, prepare a plan how to carry the burden of the economic problems that will inevitably be used in the most painless way possible. Employees also need to be aware that we are entering a period of crisis and that a strong joint action to overcome everything as soon as possible is necessary.

How do you spend your private time during a pandemic?

Time spent mostly at home does not automatically mean leisure time. Under these conditions, most business processes can and must be implemented. So, I personally try to divide my capacity on all the business responsibilities I have. Everyday business activities did not stop; they are just physically done from another address. Each of us should take time at home to make the best of it, devoting ourselves to development, personal and professional. In addition to the day-to-day regular work whose scope is changed now, I also use the time to analyze all previous activities and plan for the future, improve internal processes, improve the efficiency of company procedures … We are aware that revenue will be far lower in the coming period, so we are trying to be better prepared for the weeks and months ahead.

What is the first thing you are going to do after the state of emergency is lifted?

We will try to return to our regular work commitments from day one and implement improved work processes. If we knew how long all this would last, it would be easier to make a plan for the “day after”, but as no one in the world can now give us the correct answer to this question, we will be ready at any moment to respond with our full capacity to customer needs. It will not be easy, we are aware of the challenge ahead, but I am sure that all employees of British Motors and I personally will do our best to get back to the track we have been suddenly turned away from. In line with global trends in the economy and business, we will do our best to adapt and get through these circumstances as painlessly as possible. The car industry generally faces major challenges, but we believe that we will be able to depreciate this difficult period and come out stronger and more experienced.

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