On June 23, 2022, at the IN Hotel in Belgrade, the Slovenian Business Club and the Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia organized a panel discussion entitled: “Customers-producers of electricity in Serbia: status and prospects”, in which they participated Ms Jovanka Atanacković, State Secretary in the Ministry of Mining and Energy of the Republic of Serbia, Mr Đorđe Popović, director of Resalta d.o.o. Belgrade as a moderator of the discussion, Mr Predrag Matić, Director of Department for planning and investments at Elektrodistribucija Srbije, Mr. Danijel Stojanović, Large Customers Division Director at NLB Komercijalna banka and Mr. Draško Maksimović, Head of Network Construction at A1 Srbija d.o.o.

The event itself brought together a great mix of experts from all sectors, sharing ideas and discussing the necessary steps to be taken to ensure solar PV prosumer model scale-up in Serbia. Mr Đorđe Popović, director of Resalta d.o.o. Belgrade run a very engaging roundtable on the different paths the companies can take to implement solar PV projects in Serbia and achieve prosumer status.
Ms Jovanka Atanacković, State Secretary in the Ministry of Mining and Energy, once again emphasized the importance of the prosumer concept, as one of the key pillars of the ongoing energy transition which both individuals and companies should be a part of. Furthermore, Ms. Atanacković stated that the Ministry is fully devoted to creating of a viable investment and regulatory framework which will enable even more rapid development of the solar PV market in Serbia.
Mr Predrag Matić, Director of Department for planning and investments at Elektrodistribucija Srbije, i.e., the Serbian DSO, provided detailed overview of key steps to be taken when implementing various solar PV projects and agreed that implementation of solar PV projects in the commercial sector is in the best interest of all relevant stakeholders, as it will ensure secure energy supply in the future and maintain stability of Serbian electro-energetic system.

Mr Danijel Stojanović, Large Customers Division Director at NLB Komercijalna banka, confirmed NLB Group’s commitment to green agenda, confirmed that the development of solar PV projects, as well as other renewable energy projects are in the Group’s focus and agreed that the solar PV market potential is unquestionable – both from the perspective of investors and banks.
Finally, Mr Draško Maksmimović, Head of Network Construction at A1 Srbija d.o.o. shared valuable insight into A1 Group’s objective to become carbon neutral by 2030 and provided brief overview of current initiatives and projects A1 Group is implementing in Serbia.
Since all necessary prerequisites for implementation of solar PV projects in Serbia are met, all participants agreed that even greater cooperation between the relevant stakeholders is needed in the months to come, in order to position Serbia as one of the leaders in the region when it comes to development of renewable energy projects.