Participation of Sava osiguranja in sporting events

Over the weekend, Sava osiguranje has supported, both with its participation and with promotional activities, the realization of two sporting events.

The traditional auto races were organized in Belgrade at Ušće. More than 100 drivers manifested their skills on a 2,310 long track. The representative of the Auto sports club TRON, Radmilo Vojnović, whose activities have been supported by Sava osiguranje for several months now, won the first place in Class III for the Grand Prix of Serbia.

For the third time, Subotica half marathon was organized on 1 September 2019 with more than 1,300 participants. The official insurance provider for this sporting event was Sava osiguranje.

The company has organized promotions during both of these sporting events, where all the participants and visitors could get a promotional flyer for 10% discount on 3 insurance packages, valid until 30 September 2019.

What is more, for citizens on the territory of Serbia who were unable to attend these sporting events, the company is also giving the opportunity to conclude insurance contracts under the same conditions. To get 10% discount, the citizens have to present a copy of the flyer when they come to conclude the insurance contract, i.e. they have to download and print the promotional flyer that can be found at

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