Pavel Surovi, a fashion photographer from Kisac, received a significant world recognition from the crystal star from Paris
Two years in a row, he was in the top 100 photographers in the world at the WPE – International Photographers Awards in Paris, France. In 2022, he took 19th place in the TOP 100 photographers of the world, and in 2023, without a competition based on the points won from previous years, he took 77th place out of 12,412 registered photographers.
“For me, this is another confirmation of the artistic value of the phantasmagorical project “TRON”, which reveals the mysticism of the archaic folk costumes of the Balkan people. In the photographs, I sublimated and combined the folk tradition, culture and spirituality of ancient times, as well as my philosophical interpretations. I am happy that my the photographic opus “TRON” continues to present the City of Novi Sad and Serbia in the world, and I created it specifically for the opening of the title of European Capital of Culture – Novi Sad 2022. This is the most successful an art project in Serbia that has been alive for the fourth year and is constantly current and attractive in the world.” – says Serbian fashion photographer Pavel Surovi.
Fashion photographer Pavel Surovi managed to attract high-ranking Chinese delegations who visited his exhibitions and the Cultural Center in Kisac with his artistic work. The General Secretary of Beijing Jin Li was delighted with the works, so more exhibitions are planned for 2025 in China, where the Chinese audience will have the opportunity to get to know the work of our Serbian photographer Pavel Surovi for the first time. Exhibitions are also planned in Paris, Romania and the Slovak Republic.
“I never dreamed that I would win 100 medals within 3 months all over the world. That is a record that will be difficult for anyone to break. And let me tell you, I did not even expect that in 2023 I would be included in the TOP 100 photographers of the world again in Paris because I stopped competing and dedicated myself fully to the new project “The World of the Cruel: Peaceful Brtka”, which was created for the UNESCO Media Arts title at the Kaledoiskop of Applied Culture in Novi Sad won the City of Novi Sad and attracted a lot of attention from the audience. In 2 days, 15,000 visitors visited my exhibition and fashion spectacle, which is my new record. I am happy to be able to spread the good name of Serbia through my artistic works connected with the tradition, culture and myths of our people.
A lot of prizes and victories in competitions have already been won. I have achieved one big affirmation in the world and it is time for new projects. I wrapped up and stored all the prizes in one big box, there is a place for them. It is important to ground yourself and start creating new creations and photographic works. Now for the holidays I am contemplating on preparing a new project and buying the necessary things all over the world. It will be another big surprise for the audience,” said fashion photographer Pavel Surovi.
After the successful trilogy of photographic works “Corona”, “Tron” and “The World of Surov: Mira Brtka”, fashion photographer Pavel Surovi starts work on 3 new projects that will be presented in 2025 and 2026. Pavel Surovi exhibited in Paris, Slovenia, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Republika Srpska, Slovakia and several times in Belgrade.