The Ambassador of Czechia in Serbia talks about many things that connect the two countries that reappeared after the break up of two countries that were born at the same time, 1918, but one of them (Yugoslavia) died in blood, while the other dissolved peacefully (Czechoslovakia).

The Ambassador of Czechia in Serbia talks about many things that connect the two countries that reappeared after the break up of two countries that were born at the same time, 1918, but one of them (Yugoslavia) died in blood, while the other dissolved peacefully (Czechoslovakia).
Mr. Kuchta talks about the cultural relations of two brotherly countries with the special emphasis on film industry, but also emphasises the experience of Czechia en route to the EU. He says that the Western Balkan countries should follow the steps and use the experience of Visegrad Group countries that paved their way to the full EU membership.
Ambassador Kuchta also discusses the economic relations between the two countries, stating that Czechia has become one of the biggest investors in Serbia lately.