Prime Minister Aleksandar Vučić opens “The Economist: The World in 2017” in the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia!

Conference “The Economist: The World in 2017” will be held on 15 December. at the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia in Belgrade.  As in previous years, Color Press Group, which is the organiser of the conference, will bring together leading people of the Government of Serbia, the Vojvodina government, ambassadors, leading economists and businessmen from Serbia and the region.
At the opening ceremony the following people will speak:

  • Aleksandar Vučić, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Serbia (confirmed)
  • Ivica Dačić, Serbian First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs
  • Zorana Mihajlović, Serbian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure (confirmed)
  • Ana Brnabić, Minister of State Administration and Local Government (confirmed)
  • Igor Mirović, Prime Minister of Vojvodina (confirmed)

After the introductory speeches follows Panel no. 1 – Refugee crisis the second year in the row. Keynote speaker: Aleksandar Vulin, Minister in the Government of the Republic of Serbia. The panelists:
Hans Friedrich Schodder, UNHCR Representative in Serbia, Michael Saint-Lot, Director of the UNICEF Office in Belgrade, Ivan Lalić, Mikser House, Radoš Đurović, director of the Centre for the protection and assistance to asylum seekers

Laza Kekić, The Economist Intelligence Unit, London (confirmed), this year has a presentation on the topic: “The Year of Living Dangerously: The geostrategic risks in Europe in 2017.”

Panel no. 2 will deal with the EU integration of Serbia: “Exit Through the Gift Shop”: How are we going to Europe and what Europe is waiting for us

Keynote Speaker: Maja Gojković, President of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia (confirmed), Moderator: Aleksandar Simurdić, European Movement in Serbia, Tanja Miščević, head of Serbia’s negotiating team for EU Integration (cobfirmed), Aleksandra Joksimović, Centre for Foreign Policy (confirmed), Jelena Milić, Center for Euro-Atlantic Studies (confirmed), Tanja Miščević, head of the negotiating team with EU,
Goran Svilanović, secretary of General of the Regional Cooperation Council.

After lunch, his orecasts for 2017 will present Nebojsa Katić, economic analyst from London (confirmed)

Panel no. 3 will focus on the energy future of the region in 2017, while the name of the panel no. 4 – Pink Economy: The Impact of LGBT rights in the development of tourism and foreign investment

Last, Panel no. 5 will deal with another current issue: “Belgrade (does not) believe tears”: Challenges of the decentralisation of Serbia

Aleksandar Šapić, the Mayor of Novi Beograd

Branimir Guta Grubački, Zeleno Zvono, Zrenjanin

Milivoje Jovanović, NGO ENEKA, Niš

Detailed conference programme and instructions for registration can be found here:

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