Big Fluo Generator Award, launched by the Société Générale Bank with many partners, was completed with the announcement of the best student entrepreneurial innovations.

In the competition, students with innovative projects started to launch a new or upgrade of the existing entrepreneurial idea, regardless of activity. The expert jury evaluated the innovativeness, feasibility and sustainability of the received projects, and in the final round of the prize competition, 10 finalists were promoted, whose projects were presented on the Generator web site, designed and implemented by students of the first year of the study program Creative Production of the Faculty of FEFA. The winning innovation was created by the HearO Glasses team whose product is designed for deaf people and enables them to easily navigate the traffic. In the frame of these special glasses are built LEDs that by light signals in an intuitive way warn the users of imminent danger. The main prize, an inspirational journey to Paris for the Société Générale Group, provided by the Société Générale Bank and Infostud Group, will be an opportunity for this team to exchange ideas in an international startup environment and further develop its innovation.

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