Professor Gian Maria Gros-Pietro, president of the Board of Directors of the Intesa Sanpaolo Group, held a lecture in Belgrade

As part of his visit to Belgrade on the occasion of participation in the Serbia-Italy Business and Science Forum, Professor Gian Maria Gros-Pietro, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Intesa Sanpaolo, the international banking group in which Banca Intesa operates, held an exclusive lecture at the Faculty of Economics on the topic “Economic potential of the Western Balkans”

At the lecture, which was organized for clients and business partners of Banca Intesa, and which was attended by professors and students of the Faculty of Economics, as well as representatives of the media, Professor Gros-Pietro presented his views on the current situation on the global and European banking market, as well as economic perspectives of countries in the Western Balkans, with reference to the importance of further strengthening and development of the region and its potential for investment and bilateral partnerships.

Despite the short-term uncertainties, Professor Gros-Pietro expects a stronger economic recovery this year and in 2024, with the prediction that the economic growth of the Western Balkans will surpass the growth of Western European countries, as well as that the progress of the countries of the region towards membership in the European Union will strengthen their credit profiles through the strengthening of institutions, competitiveness, infrastructure and inflow of direct foreign investments.

When it comes to the banking sector of the region, the professor expects that despite the current movement of interest rates throughout the Western Balkans in an attempt to curb inflation, the mass of loans and deposits will continue to grow, albeit at a slower pace, with preserved portfolio quality and a low level of non-performing loans.

Serbia-Italy Business and Science Forum, organized by the Serbian Chamber of Commerce, with the support of the Italian Trade Agency (ITA) and the Italian Embassy in Serbia, was dedicated to technological innovations, green energy, and energy transition, sustainable agriculture, as well as technological innovations in the agricultural sector and infrastructure, with bilateral talks between Serbian and Italian businessmen.

The participation of Professor Gros-Pietro, who was part of the official Italian delegation at the event, confirms the strong commitment of the Intesa Sanpaolo Group to Serbia and its commitment to the long-term development of its business in the Serbian market. Intesa Sanpaolo, one of the leading banking groups in Europe, employs more than 3,000 people in Serbia, providing vital support to the economic development of the country and improving the quality of life of citizens, as well as the well-being of the entire social community.

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