Project “Energy Efficiency In Apartment Buildings In Serbia” Completed

At the final conference of the project in the Serbian-German cooperation “Advisory services in the field of energy efficiency in buildings”, implemented by the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ) the results achieved within nine years of cooperation were presented, as well as the conclusions and examples of best practice occurred during the project.

Important project results, are improving the legislative framework for energy efficiency in buildings, National typology of residential buildings and the introduction of energy passports, which are required to obtain a use permit, as well as the central registry of energy passports in a national database management system. They have become role models for other Western Balkan countries to look up. “After nine years of dedicated work, the programme ends, and in order to achieve better energy efficiency in buildings, we’ll continue to cooperate on our new energy efficiency projects with a focus on schools and kindergartens” said Renate Schindlbeck, leader of the project.

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