Film and TV director Miroslav Stanković is the author of the extended edition of Pupin’s autobiography “From immigrants to inventors” for which the famous Serb in 1924 received the prestigious Pulitzer Prize for Literature, gave Novak Djoković a copy of this capital edition during a recent meeting at SC “Novak” on Dorćol, where he was preparing to return to the world’s top.

Novak Djoković with “Puppin” in his hand, in the company of Miroslav Stanković and Vladan Škorić

In the presence of the director of the multimedia project “Pupin, Serbia and the world – 100 years of the Great War” by Vladan Škorić, Stanković, by submitting a monograph, wished Djoković a lot of success in his life and a quick return to the world throne by quoting a wise Pupin who long ago said that ” short breaks for future victories. ”

Expressing gratitude, Novak promised to read the book with a special interest and that from now on she will occupy a prominent place at his home library in Monaco, as he says that Pupuin, Tesla and Milanković are those planetary figures who inspire and initiate it giving him positive psychic energy, serenity, peace and love.

On behalf of his associates, Stanković congratulated Novak Djoković on the big success in Melbourne and promised to give him this book in English, too, when it was announced soon.

PHOTO: Twitter.com/TesaPress


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