Ready for Belgrade Food Show 2020?

Online, responsibly & free!

This year’s Belgrade Food Show will be held 23-25. November, and due to the current situation with the Covid-19 virus and precautionary measures, the fair will be held in a new format. The third high-quality food fair will be held ONLINE, and will bring together producers of premium and high-quality food products from Serbia and the region, key institutions, leading domestic and European experts, as well as the largest buyers and distributors from the region and Europe.

Participants of the fair will have the opportunity to hear practical knowledge and insights from representatives of the largest retail systems and leading experts. The current state of the industry and opportunities for its development will be shared by representatives of ministries, chambers of commerce and associations, as well as regional and European institutions.

As they have shown that they can function in the online world, in this year’s online Expo zone, high-quality food producers from Serbia and the region will be able to present their businesses and products. On the B2B platform they will have the opportunity to meet European and regional buyers and distributors and potentially cooperate. Participation in the fair is free and participants will also have the opportunity to attend a conference, which will be an integral part of the fair.

The Belgrade Food Show is a unique international event that has created conditions for new business opportunities, exchange of contacts, acquisition of new knowledge and exchange of experiences between producers from Serbia and the region and buyers and distributors of premium and high quality food products. So far, the previous fairs gathered over 160 exhibitors, more than 2,000 visitors, 90 experts from the country and abroad who spoke at more than 60 panels about the chances of Serbian food, innovations and market trends, paths to success, customer expectations, premium brands… Also, more than 340 meetings were held between manufacturers with 90 customers and distributors from around the world.

The event is organized by the Association for the Promotion of Serbian Food with a tendency to include Serbia among the leaders in the high-quality food industry in Southeast Europe. More information about the fair can be found on the Belgrade Food Show website.

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