Reconstruction and modernization of public lighting in the municipality of Bečej

The world consumes about 20% more electricity, because inefficient lighting is used. LED lamps achieve significant savings and at the same time provide more light, but also reduce CO2 emissions. In line with the world trend, Serbia is working on replacing lamps that, in addition to money, also save energy.

The municipality of Bečej has implemented the replacement of public lighting through a model of public-private partnership. Replacing 4,357 pieces of lamps with the necessary auxiliary material and 110 systems for turning on and off public lighting over a period of 13 years, will save about 190 thousand euros. In public-private partnership projects, the municipality does not allocate financial resources, and realizes savings immediately during the implementation of the project, which can be used for other purposes, while the entire investment is financed by a private partner.

The advantages of LED lighting are quality lighting in accordance with JUS EN 13210, and the residents of Bečej will have better visibility of about 87% and the quality of lighting, which gives greater safety on the streets. On the other hand, the savings in annual electricity consumption will amount to 2,171,453.64 kWh, i.e. it has been reduced by 78%. When it comes to improving energy security and reducing CO2 emissions, it is estimated that there will be about 1,183 tons each year, or more than 15 thousand tons for the 13 years of the contract.

The lifespan of LED lamps is about a quarter of a century, and by replacing public lighting it is carried out to comply with the latest European standards.

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