Renewable Energy Sources of Serbia Association Founded with Support of EBRD

Companies that produce electricity from wind energy in Serbia founded the Renewable Energy Sources of Serbia association on March 1.

The association was founded with the aim of contributing to the improvement of the business environment in the field of RES, the transition from fossil fuels to renewable sources of energy, raising awareness of the importance of green energy and environmental protection, the creation of green jobs, the decarbonization of Serbia and the global fight against climate change, the newly formed association announced.

The founders have licensed producers of electrical energy which have built wind farms in Serbia with over 300 MW of power in total and with the investment value exceeding EUR 600 million: Vetroelektrane Balkana d.o.o. (Čibuk 1 Wind Farm), Electrawinds K-Wind d.o.o. Kovačica (Kovačica Wind Farm) and Electrawinds-S d.o.o. Belgrade (Alibunar Wind Farm).

„Renewable energy sources are the future of global energy and the biggest support to sustainable development and the fight to decarbonize the planet. In the past years, the Republic of Serbia has made considerable progress in the field of green energy, and the new association will try to further improve the position of renewable energy sources in Serbia“ says the press release of the association, which invites all interested companies and individuals active in solar energy, biomass, biogas, geothermal energy and wind energy to join them to the end of making a joint contribution to the positioning of the RES industry as the leader in Serbia’s energy sector and economy.

It is specified that companies that comply with the principles of adhering to the strictest environmental protection standards, business ethics and professional conduct standards can be members of the association. In addition to its members, the association will be available to state institutions and all citizens in fighting for a green Serbia.

The association was formed with the support of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), which set aside funds for its establishment and development.

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