It is important to think about the future on time – in order to put our ideas into action, achieve ambitions, fulfil our wishes and be ready for everything that may come!

Therefore, marking the International Savings Week, NLB Komercijalna Banka has ensured special conditions, various terms of deposit and attractive interest rates for all clients who deposit funds by the end of the year, namely by December 31. The special offering refers to term deposits of EUR or USD 5,000 and RSD 500,000 at a minimum, whereas additional benefits are planned for deposits exceeding EUR or USD 50,000.
Traditional customer relations based on trust, reliability and stimulating interest rates have ranked NLB Komercijalna Banka as the leader in savings without worries. As a systemic bank in the market of Serbia, with nearly one million active clients, it is a synonym of safety, confidence and long-standing tradition in this segment.
So, in case you already haven’t, we invite you to find more details about the offering at NLB Komercijalna Banka’s website – ( – and take the right opportunity for safe savings, with us remaining your reliable partner and support in achieving all your plans in life.