Savings remain relevant to citizens, 4,215 dinars per month saved

Slightly more than 50% of citizens in Serbia save money. 40% of the savings per month range from 2,000 to 6,000 dinars, 7% of them save more than 12,000 dinars.

Predstavljanje istraživanja o štednim navikama građana Srbije, 2 Predstavljanje istraživanja o štednim navikama građana Srbije

For 71% of the citizens putting money aside is important. Trend savings in cash at home or in a safe declines – 32% of respondents use it. According to the latest research on Erste Group’s savings habits and attitudes of Serbian citizens, savers in our country on a monthly basis now allocate an average sum in the amount of 4.215 dinars. This year there are fewer people who are dissatisfied with the saved money, 22%, the percentage of less than 2015.


Apart from Serbia, Erste Group Research conducted the same poll in the region. Average savings per month in Romania is €46, Hungary €52, Croatia €57, and Austria €216 euros. The share of those who are very satisfied with the savings in Croatia is on the same level as in Serbia (6%), while the percentage is higher in Hungary and Romania. All these countries have a much larger number of citizens completely dissatisfied with savings, so this figure in Croatia, for example, amounts to 35%.


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