SBC “Privrednik” donated funds to SANU

In the year when the Serbian Academy of Arts and Sciences
(SANU) celebrates 175 years of existence, the Serbian Business Club “Privrednik” has directed its activities to cooperation with SANU, with the aim of connecting economy and scientific and research communities.


Believing that such a partnership could lead to raising the competitiveness of the Serbian economy and scientific culture of the society, the Club has donated 2,420,090.24 dinars to SANU. “Serbian Business Club” Privrednik” has supported the implementation of activities and projects of the SANU in order to send a clear message that the economy and the sciences must work together, not only to align supply and demand in the labour market, but also to support innovations that have production and export character. We wish to bind the best students, academics and professors with the economy and the real sector, as well as to enable the application of their knowledge in practice” said Miodrag Kostić, President of the “Privrednik” and the MK Group company.


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