SBC’s working breakfast – „What did the coronavirus bring us?“

On Friday, September 25, 2020, after a long recess caused by the coronavirus, the Slovenian Business Club (SBC) hosted a working breakfast live, on the topic “What did the coronavirus bring us?” on the Amphora Gastro Bar raft in Zemun.

The event was opened by the President of the SBC, Danijela Fišakov. On the occasion, she pointed out that she was glad that the SBC had managed to organize a live event, which is still the most advantageous when it comes to connecting people and transmitting information. She added that since the beginning of the epidemic, the SBC has been making effort to support its members in their business activities and that with the joint effort they managed to overcome the obstacles brought on by the epidemic.

Mirko Radonjić, Editor-in-Chief of and Đorđe Živanović, Director of Coface Serbia, gave introductory speeches and painted a broader picture of economic trends in general and between Slovenia and Serbia while mostly talking about investments, economy and opportunities for protection against business risks.

A very lively discussion was led by the moderator Miodrag Stojković, Director of ETI B, with the participation of Aleksandar Vasić, Director of ‘Poslovni Savetnik’, Boštjan Vodeb, Director of Gorenje Belgrade, Branko Greganović, Chairman of the Executive Board of NLB Banka Belgrade, Ivan Grujić, Assistant Executive Director of Triglav Osiguranje Belgrade, Goran Mikanović from Cablex-S, Milan Joksović, senior partner at the JSP law firm, Vladimir Mićović, Finance Director of JUB Šimanovci and Zoran Lazukić, Director of Profil Group Belgrade. Other SBC members who also attended the event also took part in the discussion.

Bearing in mind that the economy is still being assisted by the state, no-one could give a clear overview of the current economic situation. As not all sectors of the economy were affected in the same way and with the same intensity by the crisis caused by the pandemic, it was concluded that large companies had a much better chance of coming out of the crisis without serious consequences than small companies. Representatives of the SME sector, who attended the event, called on large companies to help them overcome the situation in which they found themselves.


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