SEE Countries need a platform to exchange the most successful reforms

SEE countries can offer good system solutions to improve business conditions and need a common platform that will guide the process of transferring successful economic reforms among members, it was estimated at the Together for a More Competitive Region organized by NALED, supported by Germany development cooperation and the European Investment Bank, within the XII annual assembly of the organization.

E-building permits transferred from Macedonia to Serbia and Albania are examples of successful “export” of good practices, and the same potential have solutions in regulating the status of seasonal workers. The exchange of knowledge was initiated by partner institutions from the region implementing the Certification of Municipal Economy in South East Europe (BFC SEE), in five countries – Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia. Serbian PM Ana Brnabić stressed that she supports the initiative to establish a Business Friendly Environment SEE and urged counterparts from the region as well as international donor organizations to help with the implementation.

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