Seminar “Your Best Year” by the Kenan Crnkić Academy

A seminar called “Your Best Year”, which was organized by the Kenan Crnkić Academy, took place in the crowded main hall of the Metropol Hotel, on November 16th, for the first time in Serbia.

The seminar participants had the opportunity to master skills such as setting and accomplishing goals, and managing time, priorities and their finances. For the first time, Dr Kenan Crnkić revealed a way to control one’s thoughts and overcome limiting beliefs, as a kind of prerequisite for achieving life’s full potential. The seminar participants got their own GPS, a kind of road map, an extremely practical guide and accompanying tool, with which they can very effectively master their day and therefore their life through the use of the so-called fist system.

Dr Kenan Crnkić is the author of major regional bestsellers in which he talks about success in life – “7 Secrets of Success”, about happiness – “Mind Which Wolf You Feed” and life in general – “Surviving Life”, which have been sold in more than 300,000 copies across the Balkans.

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