The Association for Packaging and the Environment – SEPEN has started conducting a study on packaging waste in Serbia. Its Board of Directors reached a decision on producing the “Study on the Current Situation with the Packaging Waste System Management in Serbia and Recommendations for Its Improvements”.

The study is expected to provide information on results and functionality of the existing scheme of extended producer responsibility (EPR) and an insight into the issues we encounter on a daily basis. Furthermore, it will identify and verify the volume of packaging produced in Serbia and the generated packaging waste, establish basic trends in the upcoming period and define potential measures for improving the existing system.

SEPEN independently finances the production of this document, and the study is conducted by Deloitte Advisory Sp., selected at an international tender.

SEPEN is an organisation gathering industries from the supply chain in the packaging segment in Serbia, tackling the issues related to packaging and the environment, without favouring any specific material for packaging or packaging waste system management. SEPEN is a member of EUROPEN, which includes more than 40 largest European companies, representing nearly all segments of the value chain in the packaging area, as well as eight national industrial associations engaged in recycling and the environment.

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