Serbia on the road to reach the European standards in the field of water management and waste management

In the premises of the Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection the first meeting of the supervisory board of the program entitled “Further implementation of the Strategy of approximation in the field of the environment”, was held. It is implemented from pre-accession funds of the European Union. The project aims to provide answers to the questions of how, when, how much, for what purpose and for which exact projects in the areas of waste management and waste water management should allocate resources in the future. The results of this project will benefit the Government of the Republic of Serbia in preparation for the content of the negotiating positions of the accession negotiations with the European Union will constitute the basis for seeking the transitional period for directives which require large financial investments.


“The Serbian government is planning to reach average European standards in the field of environmental protection in the next 25 years. This means that Serbia will be required in the future to increase allocations for the environment
which will have to come to more than €200 million a year for the investment in infrastructure development and in order to achieve the target objectives within the planned time frame” said Stana Božović, State Secretary the Ministry of agriculture and environmental protection. Project “Further implementation of the National Strategy for approximation in the environmental field” runs until October 2018 and includes activities related to the three main components: strengthening institutions for the implementation of legislation in the field of environment, capacity building for planning the implementation of EU Directives which require significant financial investment (particularly in the field of water and waste) and capacity building for investment and financial planning of projects in the field of environment. The project is funded by the European Union.

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