Serbia opens its first barrier dam for defense from packaging waste

Sekopak Company, a leader in the field of recycling of packaging waste, has opened the first dam in Serbia for the Defense of packaging waste in Batnjik on the river Raška. The opening ceremony was attended by Branislav Nedimović, Minister of Agriculture and Environment of the Republic of Serbia, H E Kyle Randolph Scott, the US ambassador, H E Phillip Pinnington, Ambassador of Canada, Ignjat Rakitić, Mayor of Raška and representatives of Sekopak and Apatin Brewery.

The newly opened network of dams is used for the collection of packaging waste from rivers, preventing pollution of rivers. “Sekopak together with its founders should be the role model for other companies when it comes to environmental protection. This is a pilot project whose importance is recognised by the state, and if confirmed the good results, and we believe it will, the plan is to support the opening of such dams and other rivers around Serbia”, said Branislav Nedimović. This project is worth EUR 100,000 and it is funded by Sekopak, with the support of partners from Apatin brewery, the company Tetra Pak, Knjaz Miloš, Ball, CRH and the Municipality of Raška.

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