Serbian trains will be even safer and faster thanks to Russian technology

Dispatch management of train traffic in Serbia at this time was realized in eight sections, consolidated into three remote control centers (CDUs), which were not integrated into a single system, and were founded in the 60s and 80s of the last century. Therefore, the cooperation of the Russian company “RZD International” and “Serbian Railways” on the establishment of the Unique Dispatching Center (JDC) in Serbia, is of multiple importance.

“The establishment of JDC in Serbia will enable the implementation of new technologies for managing the transport process, the constant control of train traffic, which means it will enable to increase the bandwidth of the railroad, optimize the exploitation costs and improve the safety of traffic. The proposal of the Russian side implies the construction of a single center for dispatching traffic management of trains, electric power facilities, organization of a modern data transmission network. All railway stations in Serbia will be unified in a unique network with the possibility of transferring information to existing centers in Makis, Nis, Pozega and newly established Unique Dispatching Center in Belgrade, “says First Deputy Director of the RZD International Ltd. d.o.o. in the Republic of Serbia, Mansurbek Sultanov.

“RZD International” d.o.o. is an engineering company specializing in the Russian Railway Holding, which works on the construction and modernization of the railway infrastructure in Serbia, and also plans to carry out the construction of the JDC.

In this connection, in August this year the Serbian delegation, at the invitation of “RZD International” d.o.o. visited the infrastructure facilities of the “Russian Railways” in Moscow, Yaroslavl and Rostov on Don.

“Representatives of Railway Infrastructure of Serbia a.d. within the preparation of the Technical task for the construction of the Unified Dispatching Center in the Republic of Serbia, they were introduced to the work of the centers for traffic management of the Russian Railway. In Moscow, we visited the Russian Center for Traffic Management (CUS) of the Russian Railways, and then the objects of the Moscow Central Ring. At the traction station of the Andronovka station, Russian railway workers demonstrated technical means, which are used to control the electrical supply devices, and at the Lefortovo station – TT devices. In the Northern Railway, the delegation visited DC for traffic management, as well as the Center for Infrastructure Maintenance Management (CUOI) and traction resources (CUVR) of the Northern Railway in Yaroslavl. At the North Caucasus Railway, we got acquainted with the work of the Dispatch Center for Traffic Management, which is equipped with the latest technical means, “says the manager for maintenance of the railway infrastructure in the Railway Infrastructure of Serbia, Zoran Jevtic.

He also added that “after seeing all technical solutions within the EU, the preparation of the project task and defining the specifications of the technical requirements, as well as the signing of the contract” is followed.

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