Setting of the foundation stone for Delta Holding new corporate headquarters

Foundation stone for the new corporate building Delta House was set today at our construction site at Novi Beograd.

Delta Holding invested 40 million euros in its new corporate headquarters. The total square footage of the building will be 23.000 square meters. The building will have 11 floors from which four will serve as Delta Holding corporate headquarters, two will be for business leisure and five for commercial rental.

Delta House will be a commercial building with the modern concept used by leading corporations in the world. Office space is designed with the employees in mind, so that it encourages creativity while staying comfortable and pleasant, but primarily wholesome for those who spend most of their time in it. Leisure space will include rooms for group activities, rooms for relaxing as well as touchdown working spaces. The project implies maximal use of daylight as well as air capacity in compliance with the most rigorous regulations.

To all visitors, Delta House will offer amenities such as restaurant, coffee shop, gym, parking and locker rooms for cyclists, because Delta House is an advocate for a healthy lifestyle and environmental protection.

The building will be LEED-certified, meaning that the planning, construction, and exploitation of the whole project will be done by green building principles. The building will be energy-efficient, it will collect and re-use rainwater, and the green surrounding will be significantly larger than the land surface of the building. The concept of the construction was done by one of the most eminent architectural bureaus – MYS architects, while the interior portion was done by the American studio with headquarters in Paris – StudioS.

Delta Real Estate is a member of the Delta Holding Corporation and is the biggest regional investor in commercial real estate. In 2019. Delta Real Estate opened 172.000m² of commercial space and started the development of another 62.200m².

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