“Singers United” at the Italian Institute of Culture

“Singers United” invites you to their spring concert “On a Different Note”  – Friday 14 June, 19:00 hours, at the Italian Institute of Culture, Kneza Miloša 56. Special guests: “Odjek” choir from Požarevac and “Serbian Youth Academic Choir” from the Musical Academy in Belgrade.

“Singers United” was founded in March 2018, by Maestra Katarina Milošević and a number of fellow-enthusiasts, who sang with Katarina before.

Choir members come from the diplomatic and international community and other Serbian choirs, with an odd plain music lover or two.  We are proud to have people from 12 countries singing together as one!

The repertoire ranges from classical, medieval to contemporary and traditional and the songs are in Serbian, English, French, Italian, German, Macedonian, Finnish to Old Norse and Latin.

“Singers United” hosts at least two concerts in Belgrade per year and participates at fund-raising events, choir festivals, sing-along concerts and competitions. We work together with other Serbian and international choirs and our mission is to donate all funds collected at concerts to charities in Serbia.

We are grateful to our sponsors for their generous support – most of all the “Italian Institute of Culture”, https://iicbelgrado.esteri.it/IIC_Belgrado/it/istituto/come_contattarci/, where we have regular Choir practice and traditionally host our concerts and the EU INFO center, http://euinfo.rs/, for their continued support.

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