Slavica Pavlović, Chairwoman of the Executive Board of Eurobank Serbia: Conventional customer communication channels continue to function smoothly

Eurobank’s priority in the current circumstances is to be a responsible employer, which primarily means protecting our employees and ensuring business stability.

We talked to Slavica Pavlović, Chairwoman of the Executive Board of Eurobank Serbia, about the bank’s operations, the moratorium on repayment of loans and doing business during the coronavirus pandemic. “Almost all our employees are working from home, except for a minimal number of colleagues who are working at the headquarters and whose presence is necessary because of the nature of the jobs they perform. Such work organization made it possible for the bank to react in a timely and adequate manner in this period of increased banking activities during the state of emergency, and considering the implementation of the moratorium and organizing disbursement of pensions to our oldest clients, ”says Slavica Pavlović.

How did you organize your business activities?

In the current circumstances, Eurobank’s priority is to be a responsible employer, which primarily means protecting our employees and their families, as well as ensuring business stability by allowing the bank’s customers to use all the services and products without interruption. In the current circumstances, banks are also classified as key infrastructure and we have to ensure smooth operations of the branch network. Before the declaration of the state of emergency, Eurobank had implemented preventive measures to increase hygiene and caution in the office space. We are currently applying all required safeguards in all our business premises following the official recommendations and instructions of the relevant institutions, including regular disinfection of workspace and ATMs, our employees wearing masks and gloves (especially those working in direct contact with clients in branches), disinfection of footwear before entering the bank’s branches, ban on a higher number of people entering a branch at the same time and other preventive activities.

Regarding our other colleagues, almost all of our employees are now working from home, except for a minimal number of colleagues who are working at the headquarters and whose presence is necessary because of the nature of the jobs they perform. Such work organization made it possible for the bank to react in a timely and adequate manner in this period of increased banking activities during the state of emergency and considering the implementation of the moratorium and organizing disbursement of pensions to our oldest clients

How are you communicating with clients and what do you think about the moratorium?

The usual channels of communication with clients continue to function smoothly and for the time being, we do not anticipate that this will change in any way. Clients can find all the information about our products and services on the bank’s website or inquire with our call centre. We are also using social media a lot to communicate the most important activities and recommendations. 

As for the moratorium, I think it’s a good measure for our fellow citizens and the economy as it will provide them with the necessary financial liquidity in this difficult situation. There is a significant decrease in all activities and in the amount of money in circulation, which is why it is important to help bank clients to divert money, which they would otherwise use to repay their bank loans, to their activities in their current situation. Although this measure “freezes” a significant portion of the liquidity of the banking sector, we should underline that the banking sector is stable and liquid, and of course, our priority is to assist and support the survival of the economy.

How important is it for companies to stand in solidarity and support and donate to the healthcare system?

The Covid-19 pandemic has resulted in a worldwide crisis. In this situation, I believe it is of the utmost importance to show solidarity and support our health system to ensure sufficient facilities for the treatment of all patients and the safety of medical professionals who bear the brunt of the fight against the pandemic. The banking sector immediately reacted and donated significant funds towards the procurement of medical equipment, both the Association of Serbian Banks and individual banks. Eurobank immediately contacted UNICEF and donated 6 million dinars towards purchasing medical equipment. Also, the bank supports all individual activities of its employees towards promoting responsible behaviour in society, solidarity and assistance to the health care system, and in the days to come, we will consider other ways through which we can contribute to this common struggle of all people in Serbia.

How do you spend your private time during the pandemic?

A portion of my day is dedicated to working. As I mentioned earlier, most of Eurobank’s employees are working from home, so I spend part of my day at work and in meetings we organize remotely via telephone or video conferencing systems. This enables us to fully follow all trends and requirements in this period of increased activity in some areas of business. The only difference is that now I do not have to dress up for work and put on my makeup. Other work activities and obligations have not changed. I spend the rest of the day with my family. When they finish their work- or school-related activities, we try to do everything together, so we cook together, we clean our flat together, we have discovered new books and board games and we talk a lot. I am particularly pleased that we were able to get our daughter interested in some old ways of having fun that did not require a mobile phone or an Internet connection.

What will you do first after the state of emergency is abolished?

When we leave these difficult days behind us, I believe that we will all be far more appreciative of the things we previously took for granted, such as freedom of movement and companionship. Although I speak to my friends and nearest and dearest almost daily, I have to admit that we all lack companionship. So, after the state of emergency is over, I will first visit my extended family members and friends. Also, I cannot wait to return to the office again and say hello to my colleagues and enjoy our fellowship in the workplace again.

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