On this occasion was hosted the SeCons Development Initiative Group, which operates as an independent organization of experts and was established with the aim to contribute to the long-term socio-economic development and improvement of living conditions of individuals and social groups in Serbia and the region as well.
The theme of this working breakfast was “Let’s share the care” and belongs to a one-year initiative and represents part of the comprehensive project “Gender Responsible Governance – Redistributing Unpaid Work”.
Within the topic, discussion covered following matters:
- Reasons for starting the initiative;
- Whether and how companies have implemented this initiative;
- Benefits of using parental leave by fathers: impact on children’s physical and mental development;
- The effects of using parental leave, which are manifested in the work of employees
- Employer Branding opportunity, and additional promotions.
The working breakfast was attended by a large number of members of both clubs.
At this meeting attendees exchanged their experiences, shared with everyone examples that they were familiar with. After the formal part discussion was continued in the informal atmosphere over the breakfast.