Social entrepreneurship in Serbia is on the rise

Within the third edition of the Idea for Better Tomorrow competition, UniCredit Bank, UniCredit Foundation, Ana and Vlade Divac Foundation and Smart Collective, recently organized the Media Watch. Five out of seven winners of the competition, were awarded a grant in the total amount of 40,000 euros.

On this occasion, caravan participants had the opportunity to get acquainted with the Association of Citizens for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings and All Forms of Violence against Women “Athens”, Citizens Association “Liceulice”, Citizens Association “Vunena”, organization of the Social Empowerment Initiative and Association for Support of Persons disturbed by the development of “Our House”, which, thanks to educational training, expert mentor support and grants, managed to improve their business.

Beograd, 27. 5. 2018. – Udruzenje za podrsku osobama ometenim u razvoju Nasa kuca pokrenulo je proizvodnju zacinskih biljaka medju kojima je i japanski vasabi. Na fotografiji – Anica Spasov iz NK. (BETAPHOTO/EMIL VAS/)

“Athens” has used the funds allocated during the competition to improve the social enterprise “Bagel Bejgl”, by employing an expert who has developed innovative offers for catering, but also by enhancing product branding and design development packaging. More information can be found at

The citizens’ association “LICEULICE” has managed to develop an online fundraising platform, set up an internet store and a donation page, as well as expand the network of sellers in Novi Sad. In this way, the economic empowerment of members of marginalized groups was provided outside of Belgrade. More information can be found at

Beograd, 26. 5. 2018. – Preduzece za ketering Bagel Bejgl. Bagel Bejgl je socijalno preduzece, ciji se deo zarede odvaja za programe podrske zrtvama trgovine ljudima. Osnivac preduzeca je nevladina organizacija Atina. Na slici – Svetlana prodaje – Lice ulice. (BETAPHOTO/EMIL VAS/)

The Vunena Citizens’ Association, thanks to the “Idea for Better Tomorrow” contest, managed to implement its project called “Vunena goes international”. Namely, by performing at one of the most important fashion shows in Milan in February 2018, “Vunena” presented its latest collection and made excellent contacts, thus securing new orders and giving them the opportunity to present the same collection at the fashion show in London in July 2018. More information can be found at

Krepoljin, 26. 5. 2018. – Proizvodno udruzenje Vunena.. Milica Bainovic (na slici) odrasla je u Salcburgu, modni dizajn je studirala u Milanu, a raspuste je provodila u rodnom Krepoljinu kod Zagubice gde je sa majkom i sestrom napravila udruzenje pletilja “Vunena” koje stvara modele sa motivima Homolja koje je Milica osmislila.(BETAPHOTO/EMIL VAS/)

Thanks to this competition, the Initiative for Social Empowerment has managed to improve its initiative “”, which involves the production of a mixture of flour for bread tailored to nutrition (chrono, paleo, diet of people with diabetes). In addition, a new product packaging design is being developed to provide easier access to large trading systems. The funds allocated were also used for leasing larger space within the industrial zone of the city, thus consolidating the procurement and sale services. More information can be found at

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