Stevan Ristić, Director of Vreme weekly: Trust in media will continue to decline

Stevan Ristić, Director of Vreme weekly

In the past two years, the pandemic has changed the way many industries function and operate, including the media. What important changes has the media industry undergone?

The COVID-19-induced crisis has only further expedited changes in the media industry; changes which nature and dynamics, it seems, some media outlets have failed to recognize or understand before the pandemic hit. The withdrawal of advertisers and the rapid penetration of online content and social platforms have led to a significant drop in the sales of daily newspapers. The daily press will have a hard time recovering from this blow.
The paradox is that the media were widely read and watched during the COVID-crisis, and that their survival has never been more in jeopardy and uncertain until now.

What do you think of the overall situation on the Serbian media scene and the competitive race among media outlets? How can we boost trust in the media and how do you see the media in the future?

Most media in Serbia operate contrary to the legally defined public interest – they do not inform citizens truthfully, impartially, timely and completely. There are many examples of this every day, and as long as it is so, the trust in the media will continue to decline.


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