Students With The Best Entrepreneurial Ideas Awarded

Europe’s largest contest for social entrepreneurship intended for the students, Social Impact Award, which is the second time this year held in Serbia, awarded four entrepreneurial project of students from state and private universities.

Dobitnici nagrade Social Impact Awards. FotoJevtic

Projects “Prozorište” from Belgrade, “Green roofs” from Novi Sad and “Students Community” from Sremski Karlovci won 1,500 euros in initial capital to start a business, trip to an international conference in Vienna and mentoring of the supporting experts, while the project “Per tu with problems” awarded mentoring support and visit the conference. “After the great interest in this year’s award and activities conducted within the educational segment of the programme, we are extremely satisfied. We held 25 workshops in Belgrade, Novi Sad, Kragujevac and Niš, which was attended by 250 students. As a result of this work, we had eight great projects in the final stage” said Miloš Paunović, one of the founders of the organisation Razlivalište, which conducts the competition.

02 01

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