Successful Seminar ‘Doing Business With Belgium’ – one step further in business cooperation between Serbia and Belgium

The seminar “Doing business with Belgium”, jointly organized by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia, the Embassy of Belgium – Economic and Trade Office and the Belgian-Serbian Business Association, was held on October 23, 2022. The event gathered around 60 representatives of companies and institutions that cooperate with this EU country.

Mr Mihailo Vesović, Director of Strategic Analyses, Services and Internationalization Division at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia, pointed out that economic cooperation with Belgium is on an upward trajectory, and proof of that is the presence of 99 Belgian companies that are already successfully operating in Serbia. He mentioned the IT sector and the food industry as promising sectors for cooperation, adding that Belgian companies are also interested in transferring knowledge and technologies.

“I am sure that our cooperation will continue to strengthen for years to come, and the Embassy of the Kingdom of Belgium will continue to provide support to all the companies interested in the Belgian market – said H. E. Ms Cathy Buggenhout, Ambassador of Belgium to Serbia, who was appointed in August this year.

Ms Marijana Milošević Tufegdžić, Economic and Trade Counselor – Embassy of Belgium, briefed the attendees on an overall picture of the Belgian market, on Belgium as a business partner and on conditions for doing business with Belgium. She also presented the opportunities offered by business incubators in Brussels.

Milica Vranjanac, executive director of the Belgian-Serbian Business Association, presented the work of the BSBA, a platform that has been bringing together the Belgian and Serbian business communities in Serbia for more than a decade.

BSBA member companies Puratos, Elicio and Unifiedpost shared their stories and experiences as examples of good practices of Belgian companies operating in Serbia. Serbian company Ekofungi shared its experience as a Serbian company doing business with Belgium and being active in the demanding Belgian market.

Additionally, after the formal part, this well-attended event provided an excellent opportunity for networking.

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