Summer ArtLink’s Music Nights at the ArtLink Young Talents’ Festival

Summer ArtLink’s Music Nights at the sixth edition of the ArtLink Young Talents’ Festival, will bring together – from June 12 to June 30 – the most talented young artists form the Western Balkans, some of the raising European stars, lovers of art and art audiences in general, the media, the patrons who support the arts and artists, and plenty of public attention. The concerts, exhibitions, master classes and workshops all take place in renowned or up and coming Belgrade venues, but also in Novi Sad and Raška.

A summer art spirit links together all those who cherish art – the artists, without whom no art would be created, the audience – without which the artists would not feel the “butterflies” when they show their art, the mentors – without whose insights the younger generations of artists would advance with much more pain and hardship, and the audiences could not say: “Now that was something”, and the corporate and private patrons who understand what art is and how import for the community it is to support it.
ArtLink is there to help the “Linking” take place and take hold. The idea is to establish an opportunity for meeting, in one place, between the already established and mature artists of different profiles and the artists who are at the beginning of their careers. During such encounters, in form of master classes, joint workshops, lectures, and performances, the young artists would receive professional advice related to their art as well as to management in art. The young are given an opportunity to individually improve the work on their own projects but at the same time, united with their colleagues, to participate in the creation of joint art projects and presentations for the audiences.

Summer ArtLink’s event goal is to show the best that Serbia and the Balkans have to offer in classical and jazz music. To help make this goal a reality, not only will the young artists be given the opportunity to show what they can do, but they will be helped by renowned artists who have won international acclaim, such as the musicians of Camerata Regala from Romania, Camerata Janaček from the Czech Republic, Italian Bassoonist Giorgio Mandolesi, pianist Sofia Laurenco and many others. The Festival will present some of the brightest young stars in Europe such as Italian violinist Anna Tifu, Portuguese pianist Vasco Dantas, Israeli pianist Adik Neuhaus, and Polish violinist Marta Kowalczyk.

Summer ArtLink’s Music Nights will bring the audiences not only classical music but also jazz during the Piano Night, on June 22 at the Kolarac Endowment Concert Hall, where the classical music performed in the first part will be followed by the jazz recital of Vasil Hadžimanov.

Diplomacy and Commerce and ArtLink will host together one evening at Belgrade’s City Hall to announce the new Diplomacy & Commerce and ArtLink Musical Season.

The ArtLink Young Talents’ Festival program is a result of the long-term fruitful cooperation with the network of several European festivals – all a part of the European Festival Association – and with the support of the Delegation of EU in Serbia, the International Visegrad Fund, the European Investment Bank, Embassies of Romania, Israel, Portugal, Hungary, Czech Republic, Italy and the Italian Institute for Culture.

Summer ArtLink’s Music Nights at the sixth edition of the ArtLink Young Talents’ Festival will not fail to impress!

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