Super Sberbank loan with the lowest interest rate with the highest amount and longest repayment period

Favourable conditions of the Super Sberbank loan are a sufficient reason for feeling good, because citizens no longer have to choose between the repayment of existing credit obligations and the possession of the additiona cash. Now they have the opportunity to take out the maximum loan amount with maximum repayment, all with very favorable interest rate. The attractive interest rate, the amount of up to 3,000,000 dinars and the repayment period up to 96 months make this product the best credit offer of Sberbank Serbia.

Special favour for citizens is a simple procedure of approval, and the achievement of additional savings when applying for obtaining the loan through online application to because you can expect a 1% lower interest rate. “Creating a Super Sberbank loan we wanted to provide to all customers a simple way to reconcile their desires and opportunities. Super simple procedure and conditions of granting credits to make the Super unique product in our offer. In order to exceed the expectations of customers, for all who submit the request online, we guarantee lower interest rates” said Mirjana Đorđević, director of the Department for product development of Sberbank Serbia.

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If the client decides to refinance a loan in the amount of RSD 500,000 with repayment period up to 96 months, the nominal interest rate is 9.95% in the first 60 months, and after that period it drops to 6.5% plus a quarterly Belibor, while the monthly installment of 7.573,86 dinars. More information about Super loan all interested parties can get in one of Sberbank branches, by calling the Contact Centre on 19909 banks or by visiting

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