platform awarded “Internationalist” magazine prize in NYC platform, intended for young, creative individuals and groups seeking support for development of socially responsible projects was awarded by magazine “The Internationalist” with a bronze prize for innovation in media, in category “Local Brand or Service in a Local Market with an innovative media solution worthy of international adaptation or of world class standards“.

Ninth “Internationalist” international awards for innovation in media was held March 7th in the headquarters of Reuters in New York City, awards being handed out by representatives of “Internationalist” magazine, Reuters and BBC.

Award was handed out by John Toth, vice-president of Reuters Solutions, to Andrea Brbaklić, Erste Bank executive director and Darko Sokovic, president of Dokukino Foundation.

International award for platform for us has great significance, because this platform entails all characteristics of our strategy of supporting the community – focus on sustainable solutions, development of local potential, innovation, support to the young and other vulnerable groups, transparency and interactive communication”, Brbaklic underlined.

For this year’s awards, 350 projects from more than 30 countries were nominated, ranked based on innovation in strategy, innovation in applied solutions and project results, which only adds to the success of Based on this criteria, 49 winners were chosen in four categories: Grand Prix, gold, silver and bronze. As a winner of bronze prize, stands beside many global brands including Google, Porsche, Samsung or McDonald’s.

Portal is source of information on open contests within Superste donation programme organized by Erste Bank throughout the year, and a platform for promotion of successful initiatives and projects of social importance. One of the goals of the portal is to form a community of young people who will contribute to the overall advancement of society through their work and skills. Superste programme of donations is developed and implemented in cooperation with Dokukino Foundation, Trag foundation and Vibe Networks.

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