FIC Unveils White Book 2023 Highlighting Key Investment Challenges in Serbia

The Foreign Investors Council (FIC) recently presented the “White Book 2023” in a significant event attended…

Council of Foreign Investors – 20 Years of FIC Marked

The Council of Foreign Investors (FIC) in Serbia celebrated 20 years of work on 30 November…

Foreign Investors Council Presented the White Book 2021

Belgrade, 15th November 2021 – The Foreign Investors Council presented the White Book 2021 to the…

Serbian Economy and Impact of the Crisis

We asked the presidents of chambers of commerce for a birthday issue of Diplomacy & Commerce…

Foreign Investors Council Presented the White Book 2020

The Foreign Investors Council presented the White Book 2020 to the highest Government officials and marked…

Mike Michel, FIC President – It is a great responsibility to lead the unified voice of investors

You were elected FIC President at the end of April this year. How do you perceive…

The Foreign Investors Council organized online Conference on Digitalization

The Foreign Investors Council organized yesterday online Conference on Digitalization titled: ‘’Digitalization in Serbian Regulations: Possibilities…

CEO of Telenor Serbia became the Foreign Investors Council President

The Foreign Investors Council announced changes in its management. Mike Michel, Telenor Serbia CEO, is the…


This time around we have also asked the representatives of the authorities, diplomatic corps, international institutions,…

Foreign Investors Council Presented the White Book 2019

The Foreign Investors Council presented the White Book 2019 to the highest Government officials and stakeholder…

Foreign Investors Council Reality Check Conference on Personal Data Protection Law

The Foreign Investors Council held Reality Check Conference dedicated to the Data Protection Law and its…

New FIC Executive Director: Aleksandar Ljubić

FIC has of as of June 17 they have a new Executive Director Aleksandar Ljubić.

EU Ambassador presented the EU Western Balkans Strategy to the Foreign Investors Council members

EU Ambassador HE Sem Fabrizi presented the new EU Western Balkans Strategy to FIC members in…

The Foreign Investors Council held its Regular Annual Assembly

The Foreign Investors Council held the regular annual session of the Assembly, electing the new Board…