Tamara Bekčić, Managing Director & Co-founder, Chapter4: Changed for Good or For the Better?

Communication is experiencing a paradigm shift, with increased levels of engagement, connectivity, activism and a higher valuation on transparency when building reputations

Responsible communication and partnerships for the greater good must be established to increase business and stakeholder value and meet society’s new demands once it emerges from this crisis.

Tamara Bekčić, Managing Director & Co-founder, Chapter 4 Communication Consulting

What has happened to us and what will change in 2022?

If there was one key learning from the previous years marked by Covid-19, it is that we need to create stability through ongoing change, all the time. Quite a paradox, right? And a tough one.

It is not news that crises often trigger major changes – economic, political and social. And when global changes happen, it is both – the people and businesses that are hit. In view of our current situation, nothing will ever be the same,  literally nothing. We have changed personally and professionally, and so did our thoughts,  habits and preferences. That affects everything, from individuals, families, teams, to brands, organizations and industries, and redefines them as the consequence of crisis or difficulty.
That is why communication is experiencing a paradigm shift, with increased levels of engagement, connectivity, activism and, above all, a higher valuation on transparency when building reputations.

As a communicator, what would you say is most important now?

We are likely to see that in 2022, too.  And the need that all sectors and people have in common is the need for communication, all the time. Changes brought in the way that people consume and interact with brands require tracking, analysis and proactive planning for the future – for greater efficiency and stronger support to our goals in highly dynamic circumstances. Strategic planning has always been a part of the realm of communications, but the last part is the key – we have to be able to monitor and plan in view of constant changes. We have to make the communication timely, well suited content-wise, creative or attractive and impactful in a far from certain and highly changing world.

How come some brands and organizations adapted more quickly?

It was not easy for anyone. In nature, resilience and adaptability are key traits for survival. It is similar in business. The most resilient and adaptable teams succeed more often than those who are reluctant to change. Management and communication play a prominent role in it. The most successful and resilient companies during the pandemic are those who managed to establish good communications based on a deep understanding and appreciation of their stakeholders.

“Covid-19 crisis showcases how we can help move people and guide positive behaviors by adequately informing individuals about the roles they can play”

We know that resilience and adaptability are needed for success in business today. They are closely related and the good thing is that it is something we can work on and grow, through strategic efforts.

What is responsible corporate communication for you today?

For communicators, the Covid-19 crisis showcases how we can help move people and guide positive behaviors by adequately informing individuals about the roles they can play in maintaining shared goals and engaging with them in a purposeful manner. It refers to internal and external communication. And it also greatly increases the need for responsible, transparent, and well-crafted communications, conscious of a  hyper-connected world.

We have all been changed for good. And some of us have been changed for the better. With more solidarity and sensitivity to societal needs, as well as finding ways to support those in need.

Sense of purpose and purpose driven business and communication are more important than ever, across the planet and all industries, and especially so for the young generations who have it in their DNA and tend to assess job opportunities, relationships and efforts through the lense of sense of purpose.

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