Team of Vojvođanska Banka Winner of Programme “Amchamps – Young Leaders In Change”

The team of Vojvođanska banka comprised of Aleksandra Simić and Goran Tomić, is the winner at this year’s educational programme “AmChamps – Young Leaders in Change“ of the American Chamber of Commerce (AmCham).


This unique one-year education has been held for the third time. It is a program which enables acquisition of practical knowledge and skills necessary for modern business, while promising students and young managers are directed to become leaders of the Serbian economy.

During yesterday’s final competition, Aleksandra Simić, manager at Vojvođanska banka and Goran Tomić, student of the Faculty of Architecture, presented themselves with Project “Digitalicious – Bricks plus Clicks, Digitalisation of Banking Experience”, by which Vojvođanska banka wishes to give its clients a completely new experience of digital banking.

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“We are proud of the success achieved by the Bank’s team in this important competition of young leaders. Programmes like this help managers to strengthen their leadership skills and allow students to learn from the best and thus enhance their knowledge and skills. The project, which was developed by Aleksandra and Goran will be implemented over the next year by Vojvođanska banka and thus make a major breakthrough in the banking market”, stated Marinos Vathis, President of the Executive Board of Vojvođanska banka.

The manager of Vojvođanska banka was awarded with a scholarship for MBA studies at the International Faculty of the University of Sheffield in Belgrade, while Tomić won a scholarship for master studies in Thessaloniki.

“This is a great honour for me. When I received the opportunity a year ago, to participate in the “AmChamps” programme I focused on learning as much as possible, to meet many people and solve the final assignment with quality, and to be with such thinking an essential mentor to the student with whom I worked. By working in a team, we advanced greatly and acquired skills which will be useful to us in further professional development”, emphasised Aleksandra Simić.

The finalists received their final assignments from CEOs of companies in which they work, and during the course of two months they worked on drawing up projects with the mentoring support of members of the AmCham Board of Directors. This was preceded by eight months of hard work, competitions and socialising, 20 lectures, workshops and extracurricular activities, 15 carried out assignments and written articles and many practical skills and practical knowledge for further career.

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