TeleGroup is the winner of the National Corporate Social Responsibility Award

As a company that showed the highest commitment to the principles of social responsibility in Serbia, TeleGroup is the first place in the category of medium-sized enterprises and the winner of the National Award for Corporate Social Responsibility “Đorđe Vajfert”, awarded by the Serbian Chamber of Commerce.

The Serbian Chamber of Commerce recognized the importance and support TeleGroup provides for organizing the achievements of young people in Serbia, which is the world’s largest entrepreneurship education program, which participates in more than 10 million students annually. The mission of TeleGroup is to enable, through the support of student company programs, the preparation and training of generations of students for a successful life and work in the modern world where innovation and entrepreneurial initiatives are of the highest value.

The award ceremony was held on Friday, May 24, at the Chamber of Commerce of Serbia, and Mr. Mihailo Vesovic, Director of the Sector for Strategic Analysis, Analytics, Services, Services and Chamber packages, who opened the ceremony, pointed out that this year their satisfaction has announced 50 companies and that socially responsible business today is becoming a business model, part of the business policy, in all segments of the organization, through a value chain, in all areas of business. This model does not create costs for companies, but brings added value, said Vesovic.



For the seventh time, the Serbian Chamber of Commerce awarded the National Award for Corporate Social Responsibility “Đorđe Vajfert”. A total of 15 companies were assigned in three categories – large enterprises, medium-sized enterprises, and micro/small enterprises. The jury consisted of representatives of the Serbian Chamber of Commerce, the Ministry of Economy, the Ministry of Labor, Employment, Veterans Affairs, and Social Affairs, the Ministry of Environmental Protection, the Public Media Service of Serbia and the civil sector.

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