Telekom Serbia’s support for women’s entrepreneurship and activism

Telekom Serbiaa launched a new “Associated” project to support women entrepreneurship, as well as affirmation and empowerment of women for their active participation in the development of local communities. Symbolically presented on the eve of the Women’s Day, March 8, the project of the Association was realized in cooperation with the Gender Equality Council of the Government of AP Vojvodina, and in the first place it was dedicated to women’s associations in smaller communities, that is promotion of cultural heritage and women’s creativity.

Director of the Public Relations Department of Telekom Serbia Marija Bošković pointed out that the socially responsible activities of Telekom Serbia are primarily focused on creating a business environment in the service of digital innovation, on strengthening education and providing support to entrepreneurship. “As a company that advocates gender equality of women in all aspects of the business and living environment, Telekom Serbia is also recognized for additional support to women in order to promote women entrepreneurship, and above all technological entrepreneurship, because it represents the future of our business. However, in order to come to that, we must not forget and neglect our tradition and roots and women who are engaged in traditional occupations, because they also build our future with their persistent work, “said Marija Bošković.

Since the largest number of women’s associations is organized in the territory of Vojvodina, during the first phase of the project, this year will be presented cooperation with twenty women’s associations from that part of Serbia, which will support Telekom Srbija in the mission of preserving, nurturing and promoting tradition, old crafts and humanitarian work.

“The Gender Equality Council has a clear commitment to the need to improve the position of women, as well as to improve local communities in general, and cooperation with Telekom Srbija is crucial in order to achieve preconditions for creating and implementing activities aimed at improving the position of women, especially women in the countryside . Such an example of socially responsible business conducted by Telekom Srbija shows that we must all take care of the relationship to the social community, its needs, safety, quality of life and social status, “said Mia Strajin, President of the Gender Equality Council of the Government of AP Vojvodina.

The project began with the visit to Višnjićevo (Šid) and Čerević (Beočin), where the cooperation with the women’s associations “Filip Višnjić” from Višnjićevo, “Morovićanke” from Morović and “Moje Selance” from Čerević, which contribute to the enrichment of the everyday life of women from their places, giving them the opportunity to improve and empower themselves through work and socializing. “We are grateful to Telekom Serbia for recognizing the importance of women’s associations not only for local culture, but also for the self-esteem of women living in villages and in smaller communities,” said Gordana Škorić, President of the Women’s Association “Filip Višnjić”.

Handicrafts such as weaving, embroidery, knitting, painting the canvas, healing, making jewelry and costumes, as well as preserving domestic traditional cuisine are just some of the activities within which women, participants of the Association project, preserve local customs and heritage traditions of Serbian and other peoples live in our country. Some of the associations thus create a recognizable brand, and precisely through association, they have made the first steps in entrepreneurship.

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