Tenth Weekend from 21 to 24 September: In the Weekend Media Festival in Rovinj we finally discover what women want!

In 90 percent of cases in many product categories, the decision to purchase is up to women. No matter who the buyer is, their veto or their advice is crucial in the purchase decision. Even 61 percent of private money in the United States is in their hands, and the women have taken primacy even in industries that are still perceived as exclusively male. Even 47 percent of ‘gamers’ are now actually’ she-gamers. However, many communications industries still do not adapt, and those who have tried, often miserably failed.

“The fact is that men are creative directors in 90 of the top 100 advertising agencies in America. And men do not really understand women, which often leads to inappropriate communication that women give up” explains Ivan Stanković, founder and president of the regional agency Communis, Belgrade.
At this year’s 10th Weekend Media Festival Stanković will deliver a lecture “How to satisfy women?” and he will point to the new challenges that the profession meets in the growing dominance of women in the consumer segment. He will present he communication concept called 5E that will help them reach out to the female audience, and finally to answer the eternal riddle: What do women want? The letter ‘e’ in the concept of designated five unavoidable steps in Stanković’s communication strategy: excess, entertain, emotion, experience and engagement.
“For some time now we argue that our profession needs radical change, otherwise we are doomed. As part of my concept 5E, the first step is simple: instead of the letter ‘a’ in the word ‘advertising’ there should be inserted a letter ‘e’. It means the use of all that is related to the new habits of consuming digital media, and, more importantly, that the basis of every communication has to be emotion. The abundance of information consumers are opting is extremely simple – binary. You like something or you don’t. Therefore, creating emotions through communication is necessary ” concluded Stanković.
Tenth Weekend Media Festival will be held from 21 to 24 September in the premises of the old tobacco factory in the city, under the general auspices of the Adris group. In its first decade Weekend hosted nearly 45,000 participants: 1,000 speakers, 35,000 media, marketing and PR professionals, 3,500 students and 5,000 accredited journalists from all over the region. It has positioned itself as the largest communications festival in Southeast Europe, first announced some of the top trends such as mobile advertising, native advertising, digitisation, programmatic and blockchain.

Weekend is not only reserved for lectures and discussions, but also a place for parties and networking which will this year be raised to a new level. Carefully designed music programme has always been one of the strongest points of the festival, and this year it will be a big surprise for the 10th birthday.

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