Thanks to Ministry of Interior and Apatin brewery, graduetes from Sombor and Apatin took part in National Driving Academy NAVAK

In celebration of the Fourth World Week of Road Safety, Apatinska brewery, with the support of the municipality of the city of Sombor and Apatin, organized trainings of safe driving for hundreds of Apatin and Sombor graduates. This training was undertaken with aim of preparing adult students, to recognize and react on threats while driving and to gain realistic driving experience.

This was the act of supporting action „Matura“ which is realized by Ministry of Interior in cooperation with Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, aimed at higher safety of youngsters in traffic.

Experts in the field of traffic safety consider that the largest causes of traffic accidents involving young drivers are overconfidence on the one hand and the lack of experience on the other side.

Training contained a series of theoretical but above all practical, very realistic situations at the wheel of a car. Students agreed that this was very useful experience and that they are now far better prepared for this type of circumstance in traffic.

Statistics confirms that this kind of training has an impact on young drivers to behave more responsible in traffic, and according to Ministry of Interior, young drivers who undergone this training, didn’t cause any serious traffic accident.

The further plan is that young drivers, from other municipalities and cities go through the same training.

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