The fifth International MITECO Forum, which brought together more than 250 participants from the country and the region, was held under the slogan “Today Responsible. Tomorrow sustainable.”

The following conclusions were summarised: Serbia should define its own industrial policies, develop and analyse economic models, taking into account their mistakes, but also the experiences from the region. Companies in bankruptcy, if we look at them from the angle of waste management, are not losers, but they represent a huge economic opportunity. Observing them as brownfield investments, the elimination of historical waste and historical pollution is required to finalise it. It is necessary to implement the systematic waste management concept, which is supported by the state and the private sector. Investing in the elimination of historical waste through the budget “Green Fund” is one of the priorities for the implementation of Serbia’s obligations under Chapter 27. The use of alternative fuels from waste represents the potential for the domestic economy. By reducing the use of fossil fuels, and at the same time by utilising certain mineral waste components, we achieve waste management in accordance with the best available techniques.

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