Within a big national campaign the Battle for knowledge’s there is a smaller campaign called KODigranje aimed at developing new literacy among primary school children and preparing them for life in the 21st century. The campaign is supported by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of Republic of Serbia, the Association of Serbian science professors (ENTRY) and the Center for Creative Thinking. Campaign creative support provided by the agency FCB Afirma while the Agency provided PR support Fusion Communications.
KODigranje include equipping all primary schools in Serbia different IT and robotic equipment, training teachers to use modern equipment as a teaching tool to provide quality education to children, as well as the organisation of the competition in which, with their teams, participate in all school where the equipment is donated.
Through an extensive media campaign, as well as through the official website www.bitkazaznanje.rs an invitation was sent to all interested primary schools in Serbia that are to participate in the first phase of the campaign application until 25 January. The aim of the campaign is that with the help of learning programming / coding at primary school children develop critical thinking and problem solving skills, but also to motivate them in the future work related to ICT and the so-called STEM occupations, or in areas of natural and mathematical sciences, technology and engineering.
,,Programming is the basis of all, in developed societies, it has become part of literacy in many occupations in which they had not appeared. This action of B92 Fund transfers good practice of the Institute for Innovation and Development of young Croatian who, on the ground, very successfully, confirmed that robotics and coding provide rapid results and attractive throughout the game, and the best results are obtained when learning erase the boundaries between learning and games.” – said Veran Matić, President of B92 Fund Board.
Nenad Bakić, initiator of Croatian Makers league in Croatia and the first donor to the Battle of knowledge and KODigranje expressed his pleasure at being an example of good practice transfers in Serbia, adding that his organization Institut for the development and innovation of young people trying to develop through their activities not only learning skills but also an open mind and strong character in children by providing each child the opportunity to exercise in the STEM fields.
Deputy Minister for preschool and primary education Vesna Nedeljković expressed the support for the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development Action Battle for knowledge.
– In this action for at least we recognise two important components of the reforms implemented by the Ministry, such as digital literacy and entrepreneurial skills. We are very glad that there are socially responsible people, organisations and companies in this way promote the importance of acquiring knowledge because it is a lifelong process, said Ms Nedeljković.