The Belgium Day

Belgium is an important bilateral and multilateral partners of Serbia. “The Belgium Day”, an event organised on 23 November, in cooperation Serbian Chamber of Commerce, the Embassy of Belgium and the Belgian-Serbian Business Association gave some insights in possibilities of mutual trade.

Belgium day (9)

The concept of the event is divided into two parts. The first part of “How to do business in the market of Belgium” gives an overall picture of the market of Belgium, the possibilities for Serbian companies for a greater presence in this demanding market, examples of good practice and positive experiences of Belgian companies operating in the Serbian market. The second part provides for “Open doors for cooperation,” where in individual conversations with the economic and commercial attaché of the Commercial Section of Belgium the companies could discuss with Ms. Marijana Milošević Tufegdžić, director of the Serbian Chamber of Commerce in Brussels Mr. Zdravko Ilić, and director of the Belgian-Serbian Business Association Mr Hugo van Veghel, about the possibilities of cooperation with Belgian companies and the performance of companies in the market of Belgium.

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