The Bike Ride “A Circle of Health – Be Responsible” was held at Ada Ciganlija

Within the campaign “Be responsible”, the Association “Parent” organised the bicycle ride called “A Circle of Health – Be Responsible” on the 2nd of July at the Ada Ciganlija Island to raise awareness about the prevention of cervical cancer and the availability of the cure. The charity bicycle ride was visited by many  public figures, cyclists from cycling association of Serbia and a large number of citizens who all participated in it.


Cervical cancer is the second leading cause of death among the female population in Serbia. According to official data, every day in our country at least one women dies from this disease, which puts us among the top in Europe.

Članovi popularnog pop benda Pajtosi podržali akciju Krug za zdravlje - Budi odgovorna

Gordana Plemić, coordinator for the health of the “Parent” association, said that raising awareness of the public, especially parents, about the importance of prevention of the disease caused by the HPV virus, was vital in fighting this vicious disease.

Dr Nada Macura podržala akciju Krug za zdravlje - Budi odgovorna

“What we particularly want to emphasise is that we must be responsible for the health of our children, the vaccination against HPV virus is definitely the safest and most secure method by which we can prevent the disease with our loved ones. We care about our health and our children. Let us be responsible” she concluded.

HPV vaccine provides high – effective protection against cervical cancer, which is in 75% of cases caused by the HPV virus. It is recommended for vaccination of children aged 9 to 15 years of age. It has been applied successfully in 130 countries, including 19 countries of the European Union and all countries of the region.

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